Kym Jolley
キム ジョリー
- 担当科目
- Speaking Skills I・II / Speaking Skills III・IV / Writing Workshop I・II / Canadian Studies / English Conversation for Travel
- 研究分野
- Global Englishes / language diversity / CALL / materials development
- 私のチャレンジ
- To always meet the needs of my students and engage them in fun and effective lessons. To always do the best for all of my students.
- 私のエレガンス
- Being able to engage with people and make everyone feel relaxed. Also, the ability to be adaptable and to just listen or put a smile on people’s faces when needed is important.
I always aim to build a rapport with each individual student. Therefore, I can teach each and every one to the best of my ability. I am always there to support and encourage each student all the way. I want my classes to be engaging and fun. Therefore, I am always thinking about the best way to teach class through various techniques.

- If you try you will succeed. English is a tool for everyone. Mistakes and questions are your path to greater success. Your teachers are there to support you all the way!

- Canadian Studies II
- Many students have an interest in travel and study abroad.
Therefore, in this class students are introduced to different aspects of Canada and Canadian culture.
We look at topics that will interest and inform students, including popular Canadian festivals and food, bilingualism in Canada, and First Nations people of Canada.
- 学生と接するうえで、工夫している・気を付けているポイント
- Building rapport with each student and helping them to feel relaxed and positive in class.
I want them to understand that speakers of any language express themselves differently from person to person.
English can be an important tool for them and not just a subject to study.
I am there to support and guide them.
- 学生との思い出で印象に残っていること・うれしかったこと
- When students are able to bring their own creativity to learning.
When I can see that students have been able to utilize their English skills alongside their own interests and hobbies.
- 梅花女子大学の教員としての1番の醍醐味
- The wonderful and happy students, the beautiful campus, and the friendly teachers.
- 先生ご自身にとって、学生とはどのような存在ですか?
- We are all students in some way.
A student is someone who is open to learning and ready to challenge themselves.
- 梅花女子大学でできる、学生にとってのチャレンジとは?
- Importantly, at Baika it is possible to study closely and gain experience with fellow students and teachers alike.
Baika also offers the opportunity to try new areas of interest alongside those skills you want to focus on in your major.
It is a great opportunity to challenge yourself in a supportive environment.

- Always remain curious
- Meeting new people, visiting new places, and learning new things is an endless journey. You never stop learning and your life is enriched by all of these experiences.

保持資格 |
Master of Applied Linguistics (specialization in TESOL) – University of Melbourne (Australia) |
趣味 |
I love photography and have been taking pictures since I was an elementary school student.
I especially love film photography and studied it as an undergraduate university student.
I also love music, reading, hiking and camping. |
特技 |
Finding something interesting to take a picture of.
Not being a very good sleeper, but sleeping well on airplanes! |
自慢できること |
I was very proud when I became a permanent resident of Japan. |
こだわり |
To enjoy a happy life in both my work and private life. |
感銘を受けた作品 |
This is a difficult question! There are so many!
But, my favourite Ghibli movie is Spirited Away (千と千尋の神隠し) |
性格を一言で |
Easygoing |
チャームポイント |
I like to smile and laugh. |
休日の過ごし方 |
I like visiting new places.
I especially like camping in nature with friends.
It is great for relaxing and refreshing. However, I also often enjoy cooking, watching movies, listening to music and reading in my free time. |