Gerald Raymond Gordon
ジェラルド レイモンド ゴードン
- 担当科目
- Writing WorkshoⅠ・Ⅱ / Writing WorkshopⅢ / Basics of Cultural Understanding: Media and Culture in Society / Social Issues in Today's World: Women in Society / Culture and Society Ⅰ / Area Studies(Europe)Ⅱ / 国際英語演習Ⅰ1 / 卒業研究Ⅰ3
- 研究分野
- Dramatic Literature and Experimental Performance, Improvised Music and Dance, Contemporary Culture and Thought, Methodologies of Writing and Creativity
- 私のチャレンジ
- I am always challenged to be open to new ways. I want to learn from every moment of my life. I want to make every moment of my life valuable. This is my challenge.
By studying about how cultures are made up of various layers, students can more clearly see their own cultures (in the past and now) as well as foreign cultures.
Students can see that they are each important members of society by how they choose to participate in their cultures.

- A student is someone who uses her curiosity to always find greater interest in life. Come and enjoy making mistakes. Try, try, try and learn about different possibilities.

- Media and Culture in Society
- I try to connect the subject with each student's life so she can see herself and her possibilities more clearly. Each class is a chance for students to see connections between themselves and the world. Learn that your world is bigger than you thought and that foreign cultures are more similar than you thought. All cultures share things.
- 学生と接するうえで、工夫している・気を付けているポイント
- Teachers and students work together to understand new things. Both the student and the teacher are trying to learn about life and the world. Together, we can open our minds more than we can alone.
- 学生との思い出で印象に残っていること・うれしかったこと
- I love to see students' faces when they understand something new, when they make a connection between what they knew before and what is new to them. I can see their life and world grow.
- 梅花女子大学の教員としての1番の醍醐味
- Many of my students try hard to improve. They make mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Mistakes are excellent and very personal teachers.
- 梅花女子大学でできる、学生にとってのチャレンジとは?
- Baika Women's University is a small school, so the students can have many chances to contact the teachers and other students more deeply. Baika gives students more chances to try things deeply because there is less competition. Baika is a place to take risks.

- Mistakes are gifts
- A mistake always shows a new possibility. If I learn from it, I can understand where I don't know something. But, also, a mistake can show me a new way of doing something. Then it stops beings a mistake. Then it is a new form, a new way to understand.

保持資格 |
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Masters of Arts in English Literature |
趣味 |
I love doing creative things. I play improvised music and organize events about improvised music and dance. I also write poetry and make artwork. I also love to ride my bike in Osaka City. |
特技 |
Doing creative things makes me learn about myself and about life. They make me pay attention to my life at this moment in this place. |
自慢できること |
I have made many mistakes but none of them have stopped me. |
こだわり |
Simple things like cooking food and talking with friends give life deep meaning and value. Loving others and feeling connection to their lives make life rich. |
感銘を受けた作品 |
My favorite film is “Wings of Desire” (ベルリン・天使の詩) by Wim Wenders |
尊敬する人 |
I respect my son more than anyone else. |
性格を一言で |
Livingdying |
チャームポイント |
I can listen. |
休日の過ごし方 |
I ride my bike around Osaka City, drink coffee, buy some good bread and talk with a friend. |