
受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
(3) 比専 後期 1 2 Frances金辺

Introduction to Canada

This course is an introduction to Canada. Students will learn basic physical and cultural aspects of Canada. Each class focuses on one topic or theme.

1) The first class is a general introduction
2) This unit covers the early history of Canada.
3) This unit covers the later history of Canada.
4) This unit begins the study of the provinces.
5) Atlantic Provinces
6) Quebec
7) Ontario
8) Prairie Provinces
9) British Columbia
10)The North of Canada
11)Education in Canada
12)Multicultural Canada
13)Special places and people

After each class students will be given questions to hand in for marks. There will be a final exam. Participation and attendance also count toward marks.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
There will be no textbook required. Students will be given handouts in each class. Students should bring dictionaries to class.      

This class is conducted in English only.