American Studies B

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
  国際英語 後期 1・2・3・4 2 David J.Zmijewski

The American Experience

This is the second semester of a two-semester course introducing the students to American Studies. The course will be divided into thematic clusters which center around the building of the nation and the major changes that occurred in the process.

Week 1    From Slavery to Racism: KKK and The Indian Wars

Week 2    The Closing of the American Frontier

Week 3-4   The Roaring Twenties

Week 5-6   The Great Depression and Its Effect on the Nation

Week 7    The Cold War: Bent on Mutual Destruction

Week 8-9   The Civil Rights Movement

Week 10    Young Americans Speak Out:Vietnam

Week 11    Descent into Chaos: The Bush Years

Week 12-13 America: It's Future and the World

Regular attendance, completion of all homework, and active participation are required to receive a passing grade in this course. In addition, an end-of-semester report or test will contribute to the students' evaluation.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
No Text. Handouts will be provided by the instructor.      
