Writing Workshop U

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
(2) 国際英語 後期 1 2 Preston L.Houser

Writing Workshop

This is a continuation of the spring beginning composition course. Students are expected to write during class as well as outside of class. In addition to in-class writing, students will learn and be expected to use standard punctuation. Composition styles will also be stressed. In the fall, students will be expected to produce two typed essays based on spring notebook entries. Typing format and proofreading skills will be introduced in this course.


Students are graded quantitatively, for example 60 written pages equals and "A," 50 written pages equals a "B," etc. While students are still primarily graded quantitatively, quality of writing (ideas, opinion, conclusion, inference, etc.) as well as class participation are also taken into consideration.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
A Beginning Writers Notebook Lewitt and Houser. Falcon Press/Meynard Publishing  ISBN 4-944025-45-9 C1082 P1957E  
