Writing Workshop T |
受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
(2) | 国際英語 | 前期 | 1 | 2 | Preston L.Houser |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
Writing Workshop |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
This is a beginning composition course which emphasizes writing fluency. Students are expected to write during class as well as outside of class. In addition to in-class Writing, students will learn and be expected to use standard punctuation. Composition styles will also be stressed. |
授業計画 |
評価方法 |
Students are graded quantitatively, for example 60 written pages equals and "A," 50 written pages equals a "B," etc. |
テキスト書名 | 編・著者名 | 出版社 | 価格 |
A Beginning Writers Notebook | Lewitt and Houser. | Falcon Press/Meynard Publishing ISBN 4-944025-45-9 C1082 P1957E |
備考 |
http://www.pace-education.com/catalog/movabletext.html |