Canadian Studies ‚`

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253101 @ ‘Û‰pŒêŠw‰È ŒãŠú 1E2E3E4 2 Frances@‹àç³

Canada the making of a nation

This course will look at people and events that made Canada a modern country

1) Canada]before the explorers
2) John Cabot
3) The race for Asia
4) The French in Quebec
5) Champlain and New France
6) The fur trade
7) The northwest passage
8) The Hudsons Bay Company
9) Samuel Hearne
10) Seven years War
11) The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
12) The shaping of Canada
13) Confederation
14) The provinces and territories
15) Final Exam

Grades will be given for classroom participation and class work There will be quizzes and one final exam

The teacher will supply classroom materials Students must bring dictionaries

This class will be given in English Students should have a good vocabulary and be able to understand complex issues in English