Study Abroad Orientation

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
252204 (4) 国際英語学科 前期 2・3・4 2 T.McDonough

Study Abroad Preparation course for Australia

This class will prepare you for study abroad in Australia. We will cover all three universities for Australia.
We have many other documents to prepare before departure.
You will learn Survival English, Australian culture, about the land and people, and homestay strategies.

Almost every week we will have some of the following:

Homestay strategies
Survival English
Australian culture
Documents for Study abroad
Research about your destination

We will produce a plan for study abroad as a report.

Class effort and attendance 50 % Report and other work 50%


This course is required for Study Abroad. Every class has important information for you so please attend 100 percent of the classes. Students who miss class will not be able to succeed in Study Abroad.