Introduction to Australia

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
252151   国際英語学科 前期 1・2・3・4 2 B.Grindstaff

In this class the land and people of Australia are introduced through reading, videos and lectures.

This class is a lecture course supplemented by handouts provided by the teacher. The topics covered will provide students with as general introduction to Australia. Topics such as geography, history, sociology, lifestyles, dialects, government and so on will be discussed.

This class is a lecture course supplemented by
handouts provided by the teacher. The topics covered
will provide students with as general introduction to
Australia. Topics such as geography, history,
sociology, lifestyles, dialects, government and so
on will be discussed.

This class provides a chance for students to
practice English listening and note taking. There will
be reading and writing assignments; as well as, tests,
in English.

Class participation 10%
Reading assignments 20%
Writing assignments 20%
Final test 50%

Text. Australian Mosaic.
