Introduction to Britain

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
252001   国際英語学科 前期 1・2・3・4 2 N. J. Angus

An introduction to the life and culture of The United Kingdom

This course, based on a video and with an accompanying activity book, will start with some general background to The UK, and then move on to various aspects of contemporary Britain. The aim is to provide students with a good basic idea of the history and culture of the country, and of the present day lifestyle there.

1 A general over view of Britain: comparing Britain and Japan
2 Introduction to Britain: geography, history and demographics
3 Schooling: education from primary to university
4 Food: traditional and recent
5 Homes: British living
6 Sport: soccer, tennis, rugby, cricket, and some unique sports
7 Festivals: the festive calendar from New Year to Christmas
8 Pop: the lively music and youth cultures of Britain
9 The Four Nations: England and Wales
10 The Four Nations: Scotland and Northern Ireland
11 The Royal Family: its history and the present monarch
12 The Irish Problem: separate video
13 London: separate video
14 Edinburgh: separate video
15 Exam

Attendance 30%
Test 70%

Richard MacAndrew, Window on Britain, Oxford University Press, Activity Book 1,750yen
