Writing Workshop V |
授業コード | 受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
250602 | (2) | 国際英語学科 | 前期 | 2 | 2 | P.Houser |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
Essay Writing |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the drafting process involved in the composition of three in three distinct styles. |
授業計画 |
Class #1: Course orientation. Class #2: In-class: write first draft of essay one (narrative) Class #3: In-class: write first draft of essay two (descriptive) Class #4: In-class: write first draft of essay three (expository) Class #5: Explanation of typing format and proofreading marks. Class #6: In-class: peer proofreading first draft of essay one. Class #7: In-class: peer proofreading first draft of essay two. Class #8: In-class: peer proofreading first draft of essay three. Class #9: In-class: citing books group exercise. Class #10: In-class: citing essays group exercise. Class #11: In-class: citing magazines group exercise. Class #12: In-class: citing newspapers group exercise. Class #13: Public speaking skills. Class #14: Oral delivery of essays. Class #15: Oral delivery of essays. |
評価方法 |
Students are graded on the successful completion of three essays, peer-proofreading exercise, bibliographic exercise, and the oral delivery of one essay. Essays are graded on form as well as content. Regular attendance is very important as 10% is subtracted from final grade for every unexcused absence. |
テキスト |
備考 |