Speaking Skills U |
授業コード | 受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
250051 | (1a) | 国際英語学科 | 後期 | 1 | 2 | N. J. Angus |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
An intermediate listening and speaking course for first year students, using video materials and a speaking textbook. |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
The aim of this class is to develop students ability to function in basic English situations, and to increase their powers of listening comprehension to the level at which they are starting to be able to watch television and films in the target language. The students will study one unit of the speaking textbook over two lessons, which will then be reinforced with an episode of a realistic video course that will help them function in an actual situation, and at the same time strengthen their vocabulary and knowledge of conversational idioms. We will start off with a basic conversation, then do a more sophisticated listening excercise before watching the video. After going over the script, students will record similar conversations of their own on tape. We will also make use of LL software. |
授業計画 |
1 and 2. Describing where things are; video episode 7. 3 and 4. Making an arrangement by phone; video episode 8. 5 and 6. Future plans; video episode 9. 7 and 8. Getting and confirming information; video episode 10 and 11. 9 and 10. Apologies and explanations; video episode 12. 11 and 12. Telling the time and describing appearance; video episode 13. 13 and 14. Answering personal questions; video episode 14. 15. Test; video episode 15. |
評価方法 |
Attendance 30% Recordings 30% Test 40% |
テキスト |
Edition Person to Person (Student Book 1), Jack C. Richards, Oxford University Press, 2,400 yen |
備考 |