
Ž๖‹ฦƒR[ƒh Ž๓u‹ๆ•ช Šw‰ศ Ž๖‹ฦŠ๚Šิ —šC”NŽŸ ’Pˆส ’S“–Žา
121701 @ ‰p•ฤ•ถŠw‰ศ ŒใŠ๚ 2 2 B.Grindstaff

Movies : The Cinema World

This class may be hard for first year students.
It should also be fun.
We will study English, the movie business and America through the movies of Robert Zemeckis.

The goals of this course are to read and discuss :

(1) Origin & development of the movie industry. ( 2 weeks)
(2) The elements of a film. ( 2 weeks)
(3) History in movies - Robert Zemeckis. ( 10 weeks)

Classes will include viewing and discussing short
movie scenes, lectures in English and discussions and
explanations of the text, which is available only in

There will be some viewing of movie scenes in class
but most homework will be done as homework. Students
in this class must read about 20 pages in English.
This class may be hard for first or second year@students.

In class quizzes 20% Writing assignments 30%
Final test 50%

Handouts provided by the teacher or posted on the
