Performance U

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
254501   国際英語学科 後期 3・4 2 Norman J. Angus

Performance of a longer English work

This practicum will follow on from the work done in the previous semester, but we will work on a single work for stage in English. The content of the second semester will depend on the number and abilities of the students who took part in the spring course. It may be musical, theatrical, or visual depending on the talents of the students involved. The work(s) will be announced at the end of the first semester class.

1. Reading through the chosen work
2. Discussing the chosen work
3. Assigning roles
4. Section practice (1)
5. Section practice (2)
6. Section practice (3)
7. Section practice (4)
8. Section practice (5)
9. Coordinated practice (1)
10. Coordinated practice (2)
11. Coordinated practice (3)
12. Coordinated practice (4)
13. Coordinated practice (5)
14. Dress rehearsal
15. Final performance

Attendance 30%; Class participation 30%; Final performance 40% (There will be no final exam.)

To be decided.
