Canadian Studies ‚`

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253101 @ ‘Û‰pŒêŠw‰È ŒãŠú 1E2E3E4 2 Frances@‹àç³

Canadian Historical and Cultural Heritage

This course will look at important Canadian historical issues as well as present Canada The aim of this course is to give students an overview of the provinces and territories as well as the events which made Canada the country it is today.

1) Canada]the land and people
2) Exploration and Settlement
3) The Colonly of New France
4) The Struggle for Power
5) The Birth of a Nation
6) Building the National Railroad
7) Government in Canada
8) Arts and Entertainment
9) Famous Canadians in Science and Technology
10) Famous Canadians in Literature and Music
11) Other Canadians
12) Modern Canada
13) Problems facing Canadians
14) Final Review

Grades will be given for classroom participation and class work. There will be one report and presentation for this class.


This class will be given in English. Students should have a good vocabulary and be able to understand complex issues in English