授業コード | 受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
252301 | (1) | 国際英語学科 | 後期 | 1・2・3・4 | 2 | Norman J. Angus |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
TOEFL Listening, Structure and Reading |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
There are three purposes to this TOEFL class: 1. to teach students effective practical listening, structural and reading strategies using TOEFL materials; 2. to increase the students knowledge of useful grammar and vocabulary; 3. to help students break through the 450 point mark on the TOEFL test. |
授業計画 |
1. TOEFL Listening Part T: strategies and vocabulary 2. TOEFL Listening Part T: trial test and answers 3. TOEFL Structures Part T: strategies and vocabulary 4. TOEFL Structures Part T: trial test and answers 5. TOEFL Listening Part U: strategies and vocabulary 6. TOEFL Listening Part U: trial test and answers 7. TOEFL Reading : strategies and vocabulary 8. TOEFL Reading : trial test and answers 9. TOEFL Listening Part V: strategies and vocabulary 10. TOEFL Listening Part V: trial test and answers 11. TOEFL Structures Part U: strategies and vocabulary 12. TOEFL Structures Part U: trial test and answers 13. TOEFL Reading : strategies and vocabulary 14. TOEFL Reading : trial test and answers |
評価方法 |
Class work 30%; Attendance 30%; Final TOEFL style test 40% |
テキスト |
Master the TOEFL 2006・P.N Sullivan, G.A. Brenner, and G. Yi Qui Zhong (Thomson Peterson) |
備考 |