Writing Workshop V |
授業コード | 受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
250602 | (2) | 国際英語学科 | 前期 | 2 | 2 | P.Houser |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
Research Writing. |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
Part three of this writing course will focus on research skills and research paper composition. |
授業計画 |
Students will draft three essays in three distinct areas of study: arts, sciences, and politics. Students will learn how to citate sources in their essay text as well as document sources they use, hence each essay must include a Works Cited page of documentation. Students will also participate in peer proofreading. |
評価方法 |
Students are graded on the form and content of their essays, as well as final oral delivery. Peer proofreading is also graded. |
テキスト |
MLA 英語論文の手引 第6版 ジバルディ著 北星堂 \2,875 [ISBN:4-590-01170-0] |
備考 |