Speaking Skills X

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
250201 (1a) 国際英語学科 前期 3 2 B.Grindstaff

In Speaking Skills V, students will practice and improve their ability to speak and understand English.

Skills targeted in this course include a knowledge of English phrasal verbs, practice with word and sentence level reduction, listening for hidden content, a speakers attitude and implied messages,and body language. There will be some practice in group problem solving and decision making.

Students should actively using English in a variety of class activities, including pair work and oral presentations. In addition to this work students will exposed to English phrasal verbs, practice with word and sentence level reduction, listening for hidden content, a speakers attitude and implied messages, and body language.

There will be some practice in group problem solving and decision making.

Grades will be based on all in class work, with emphasis
on pair work, oral presentations and in class quizzes.

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