Speaking Skills V

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
250103 (3a) 国際英語学科 前期 2 2 T.McAlpine

Spoken English for Classroom and Campus

In preparation for their Study Abroad Program, students will work on listening/speaking skills for use in college classrooms overseas and for campus life. Students will practice participating in small group discussions, making brief oral presentations, and engaging in idividual interaction. Topics of discussion/conversation will include selected academic topics, your overseas school community, and everyday activities and concerns.


Daily preparation, attendance and participation 30%
Oral performance tests 30%
Chapter quizzes 30%
Completion of pre and post test 10%

To be decided, but the textbook will be from the Interactions/Mosaic Series (McGraw-Hill) and will be decided after a placement test in the first class.
