Speaking Skills T

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
250004 (4) 国際英語学科 前期 1 2 Nicholas Halewood

Improving your English speaking skills.

The purpose of this class is to give you a number of basic conversational skills so that you will be completely comfortable in 'survival English' situations. It is hoped that you will learn to use English as a tool rather than as a language.

Week   4a              4b
1 Meeting people          Jobs
2 Talking about where you're from  Nationalities
3 Friends              Describing people
4 Finding out about people     Personal details
5 Ordering food and drink      Shopping
6 Personal items          Family
7 Review 1             Review
8 Buying things           Clothes
9 Looking for things        At home
10 Talking about things you have   Describing appearance
11 Transportation          Neighborhoods
12 Opening and closing times     Free-time activities
13 The weekend            Daily routines
14 Review 2             Review

Attendance, classroom performance and final test.

Angela Buckingham & Miles Cravan GET REAL! STARTER Macmillan Languagehouse Student Book \2300 Wookbook \1400

Let's try to use English as much as possible in class!