
授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
200403 (3) 外国語 前期 2 1 Frances 金邉

Story telling in English

The aim of this course it to help students learn new vocabulary and practice English sentence structure in ordar to tell stories and retell stories they read. Students will have many opportunities to listen and read English short stories, watch short films, and summarise articles.

1) Read a short story and answer questions
2) Read a short story and questions plus summary
3) Watch a short film and summarise it.
4) Read a children's story, answer questions and make a summary.
5) Work in groups to tell a Japanese children's story.
6) Continue with Japanese story and present it to the class
7) Read a short story and retell the plot
8) Prepare for class presentation.
9) Class presentation day.
10) Short story summary.
11) Students choose stories to retell.
12) Students choose dramas or movies to summarise.
13) Final class presentations.
14) Review

Participation in class, keeping a vocabulary journal and class presentations

Introductory Stories for Reproduction 1,L.A. Hill,Oxford University Press

Let's enjoy this class and learn as much English as possible!