
授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
140052 (2) 比較文化学科 後期 1 2 Catherine Duppenthaler

Introduction to America

As the name implies, this course is an introduction to the Untied States. This is a first look at a country different from Japan in size and racial diversity.

We will study the following topics in this class:
1. Geography of the United States
2. Main cities, states, and areas of the country
3. American music and dance
4. Native Americans
5. American houses
6. American holidays
7. American folklore
8. Immigration
9. Others, to be announced

Exams: There will be two exams during the term. The first will be during the sixth or seventh class meeting. No books, notes, or notebooks will be allowed during the exams. Please note that all lectures, materials, and tests will be in English.

All materials will be supplied by the teacher.
