
授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
125103 (3) 英米文学科 通年 3 2 Catherine Duppenthaler

Seminar in American Studies

The purpose of this seminar is to lay the foundation for the fourth-year Senior Thesis class. In this seminar students will research a topic of their choice pertaining to the United States.

Class time in the first term will be spent on highly structured lectures with time each week for in-class discussion. Topics to be covered will include the evolution of the American family, current issues in American education, etc. During the second term, the students will write a five-page research paper in English. (Some class time will be spent developing the skills needed to do this.) Each student will be expected to give two in-class presentations - a research proposal and a report of work-in-progress. All lectures and written work will be in English.

You will be graded on your two in-class presentations and your research paper.

