Writing Skills VA

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
123751 (1) 英米文学科 前期 3 1 David J.Zmijewski

Introduction to Academic Writing

This third-year writing course focuses on introducing the students to college-level academic writing. Students will be taught how to use outside sources, which support and give credibility to their own opinions. They will learn how to develop an argument logically and organize those ideas in writing. They will also be taught proofreading skills and the importance of rewriting.

In the first semester, students will study various forms of essay writing, among these will be narrative, comparison, and cause-effect essays. Students will be required to write essays for each of the styles taught. Grammar will be reviewed from time to time, and organizational skills will be taught to show students how to arrange their ideeas in the most effective manner.

Regular attendance, class participation, and completion of all homework assignments are required to receive a passing grade in this class. In addition, each student's improvement in writing as she progresses through the semester will be taken into account for the final grade.

No Text. Handouts will be provided by the teacher.
