American Studies A |
受講区分 | 学科 | 授業期間 | 履修年次 | 単位 | 担当者 |
国際英語 | 前期 | 1・2・3・4 | 2 | David J.Zmijewski |
授業の主題(テーマ) |
The American Experience |
授業の目標(講義概要) |
This is the first semester of a two-semester course introducing the students to American Studies. The course will be divided into thematic clusters which center around the building of the nation and the major changes that occurred in the process. |
授業計画 |
Week 1-2 The New World: It's Meaning and Need Week 3 Peopling America Week 4-5 Slavery: America's Boom and Bane Week 6 The Formation of American Democracy Week 7-8 American Democracy as seen through the eyes of Europeans. Alexis de Tocqueville Week 9-10 American Growth: Westward Migration Week 11-12 Civil War and the Saving of the Union Week 13 The American Dream: Changes in Cultural Expectations |
評価方法 |
Regular attendance, completion of all homework, and active participation are required to receive a passing grade in this course. In addition, an end-of-semester report or test will contribure to the students' evaluation. |
テキスト書名 | 編・著者名 | 出版社 | 価格 |
No Text. Handouts will be provided by the instructor. |
備考 |